Annual colloquium 2024

CREPEC group picture

CREPEC celebrated its 20th anniversary at its annual colloquium on December 4, 2024 at École Polytechnique de Montréal, attended by 150 professors, students and research staff.

Prof. Basil Favis, Mr. Germain Bélanger, Ms. Janic Lauzon & Prof. Anoush Poursartip took part in a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Nicole Demarquette and Prof. Daniel Therriault and entitled ’20 years of innovations: The evolution of polymers and composites’.

Previous CREPEC directors Prof. Pierre Carreau and Prof. Suong Hoa took part in the discussion ‘Un Voyage au CREPEC: du Passé vers le Futur’, moderated by Prof Marie-Claude Heuzey and Romain Martin, PhD.

Prof. Kelvin Fu (University of Delaware) gave a presentation entitled ‘What 3D Printing Cannot Achieve: Rethinking Additive Manufacturing of Composites’. Samuel Hénault (UQTR) spoke on ‘Study of the buckling behavior of cardboard angles’. Mostafa Chamoumi (Coalia) gave an overview of ‘Research collaboration with industry’.

Students Trevor Bell (u.Laval), Émile Girouard-Laflamme (ÉTS), Xinxin Hao (McGill) and Oumayma Tajir (UdeS) presented their research work.

Congratulations to the Student poster competition winners:

  • 1st: Ruan-Isabelle Richard Soucy, master’s degree, ÉTS, Lab Martine Dubé
  • 2nd: Clara Grandisson Arsenault, master’s degree, Poly, Lab Louis Laberge-Lebel
  • 3rd prize, ex aequo : Mohammadreza Farhadi, maitrise, Concordia, Lab Hang Xu

Zahra Eslami, PhD, Sherbrooke, Lab Saïd Elkoun