Polytechnique Montréal, ÉTS and Université Laval are accepting applications for research master’s (with thesis) and doctoral (PhD) positions in mechanical or aerospace engineering. A post-doctoral fellow is also sought. The overall objective is to develop thermoplastic matrix composite structures for the advanced air mobility market. These positions are part of a partnership project between the three universities and several industrial partners (Pultrusion Techniques Inc., Stelia Aerospace North America, Solvay and Flying Whales Quebec). Those recruited will have the opportunity to interact with researchers and engineers from the various universities and companies.
To apply, send cover letter, CV and recent transcripts to :
Prof. Louis Laberge Lebel : LLL@polymtl.ca
Prof. Martine Dubé : martine.dube@etsmtl.ca
Prof. Marie-Laure Dano : marie-laure.dano@gmc.ulaval.ca