Innovate in the field of
high performance polymer and composite systems
Welcome to CREPEC, the research center with the greatest know-how in cutting-edge polymer and composite materials in Quebec!
Events to come
Who are we?
CREPEC is a Research Center financed by the FRQNT for almost 20 years. The Center brings together academic members from the main Quebec universities, their students, as well as researchers from several technology transfer centers (CCTT) in the province.
Our research axis
CREPEC members have training that covers a wide range of expertise, from physics, chemistry and applied mathematics to structural design. CREPEC has therefore defined its research axis and themes in order to cover this expertise according to the real challenges encountered in the field.
For CREPEC, the technological transfer to the Quebec and Canadian community is ensured by industrial partnerships. Thanks to the innovation capacity of its members, CREPEC can meet the needs of both large companies and SMEs in Quebec.
You need more information?
Whether you are an expert, a student or a company in the polymer and composite industry, we are open to collaborations.